Increase the value of the energy business.

NODA Network

Increase the capacity of your existing energy supply and balance customer demand with supply in your network. With more than 15 years of experience and the most innovative AI-software in the industry, NODA Network targets energy suppliers who wants to increase the value of their business, reduce the dependency of fossil energy and increase the use of renewables.

Use 10% of the sold energy as flexibility in the system

  • Balance the customer demand with supply in your network
  • Increase the capacity of your supply
  • Reduce dependency on fossil energy

Use customer demand data to optimise the energy supply. Impact customer energy usage with demand side management and balance supply and demand in the network.

Our aim is to reduce CO2 emissions from our own activities as well as those of our customers. The pilot project with the NODA system in Pezinok was a good example of this. Our goal was to verify the NODA technology and its algorithms in the real operation of the smaller DHS in Pezinok so that the results can be used to calculate the potential benefits for the entire Engie group. Thanks to flexible cooperation with NODA engineers, we have successfully achieved this goal.
Michal Trnovský, Innovationer och utveckling, Engie Services a.s

Do you have any questions about NODA Network?

NODA Intelligent Systems

NODA Karlshamn
Netport Science Park
Biblioteksgatan 4
374 35 Karlshamn, Sweden

NODA Malmö
Malmö Ground
Bredgatan 4
211 30 Malmö, Sweden

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