Tatiana has nearly twenty years of experience in technology, strategy, and business transformation from leadership positions at companies such as Microsoft, Schlumberger, Cognite and Earth Science Analytics.
Management team
The most important aspect of a company is the people involved. They form the core of the business and everything about it. That they have backgrounds and insights that complement each other. That they have a motivation and passion making them strive for common goals.
Within NODA, we cooperate and coordinate work among colleagues, partners and customers.
Together with colleagues, the board of directors and owners, the management teams run the strategic work ahead. Together, we form an organisation to meet and capture the potential of the future.

Jill Ågren, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Jill has a background as an auditor and many years of experience as CFO in global growth companies across a variety of industries.
She most recently comes from a Fintech and SaaS company. She has experience in taking companies to profitability, securing financing, and expanding into global markets.